A: Upgrade to a high-efficiency system can cut your electricity bill by up to one-third. We can schedule a free in-home consultation and give you a price on the best system for your home.

A: Adjusting the temperature 5-8 degrees can save energy if you are going to be away from your home for several hours. That would be down in winter and up in summer.

A: Yes by changing the airflow in winter will help push warm air down and in summer they need to operate in counter-clockwise.

A: Checkups on your system helps to insure that it is running in the most efficient way. We can identify and resolve any potential issues before a complete breakdown.

A: Yes, keeping the vents closed in less used rooms will help on your power bills.

A: A programmable thermostat enable you to control the temperature of your home when you're away or asleep. You can save approximately 1% of your electric bill just by lowering your thermostat by 1 degree.

A: Today's systems have a lifetime expectancy of 10 to 20 years. But as your equipment ages its efficiency can decrease quite a bit. This is where our maintenance programs really shines when we can catch a problem before it completely goes down. The ac industry is constantly improving systems to become more energy efficient.

A: If your air conditioner is too large for your home it will cool your home faster but will use more energy and will not remove humidity adequately. The unit will run on short cycles which means your air will come on and off more often. An air conditioner is designed to run longer cycles which is much more efficient. Your ductwork also may not be able to support the larger flow of air. THis is also true for a heating system. It will run more often thus using more fuel and cause greater temperature fluctuations in the home.

A: If your unit is over 7 years and requires frequent repair it can be more economical to replace than repair your system. We can thoroughly inspect your systems and based on our determination give you our honest recommendation.

A: In our years of experience Trane has proven to be the best system out there. We can offer you other options but we do recommend a Trane?

A: Replacing the outdoor unit only will lower the efficiency of the unit. You should always replace the indoor cooling coil and the outdoor unit. We will always check your unit before suggesting a replacement.

A: It has been estimated that 70% of all homes with central air have badly installed ductwork. We can check your ductwork the same time as we inspect your units and make any recommendations.